Why we do the Murph workout

For fitness enthusiasts in Chanhassen, the Murph workout holds a special place in their hearts. The Murph workout, also known as the Murph Challenge, is a high-intensity workout that consists of a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, followed by another one-mile run—all done while wearing a 20-pound weight vest. This challenging workout is not for the faint of heart, but many in Chanhassen choose to take on the Murph Challenge for various reasons. Let’s explore why the Murph workout is so popular and why it continues to be a favorite among gym-goers.

1. Tribute to a Hero

The Murph workout is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, a courageous warrior who lost his life in Afghanistan in 2005. Lieutenant Murphy was awarded the Medal of Honor for his selfless actions during Operation Red Wings. The Murph workout is a tribute to his bravery and sacrifice, serving as a way to honor his memory and pay respects to all fallen heroes who have given their lives in service to their country.

2. Mental Toughness and Discipline

Taking on the Murph Challenge requires immense mental toughness and discipline. The sheer volume of exercises, combined with the endurance required for the two one-mile runs, pushes individuals to their limits both physically and mentally. By participating in the Murph workout, individuals in Chanhassen can test their mental fortitude, build resilience, and cultivate a strong sense of discipline that transcends the walls of the gym.

3. Community and Camaraderie

One of the most compelling reasons why many in Chanhassen participate in the Murph workout is the sense of community and camaraderie it fosters. Whether you’re sweating it out in a group class at the gym or taking on the challenge solo, the spirit of unity and support among participants is palpable. Completing the Murph workout alongside fellow fitness enthusiasts creates a unique bond and a shared sense of accomplishment that strengthens the fitness community in Chanhassen.

4. Goal Setting and Achievement

Setting a goal to complete the Murph workout and working tirelessly towards achieving it is a powerful motivator for many in Chanhassen. Whether it’s aiming to improve the completion time, increasing the number of repetitions, or conquering the workout without scaling, the Murph Challenge provides a tangible goal to strive for. The sense of achievement that comes with conquering the Murph workout is unparalleled and serves as a testament to one’s dedication, perseverance, and hard work.

5. Full-Body Workout and Functional Fitness

The Murph workout is revered for its effectiveness as a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and aspects of fitness. From cardiovascular endurance during the runs to upper body strength during the pull-ups and push-ups, and lower body endurance during the air squats, the Murph Challenge encompasses a wide range of movements that promote functional fitness. Engaging in the Murph workout not only improves overall strength and endurance but also enhances functional movement patterns that are beneficial in daily life.

6. Personal Growth and Transformation

Participating in the Murph workout goes beyond physical fitness—it is a journey of personal growth and transformation. Pushing past perceived limits, overcoming challenges, and persevering through the discomfort of the workout contribute to individual growth and character development. Many in Chanhassen who have experienced the transformative power of the Murph Challenge attest to the positive impact it has had on their mindset, resilience, and overall well-being.

7. Fundraising and Awareness

In addition to personal reasons, the Murph workout is also a platform for fundraising and raising awareness for various charitable causes. Gyms and fitness organizations in Chanhassen often host Murph Challenge events where participants can contribute to charitable organizations that support veterans, military families, or other worthy causes. By combining fitness with philanthropy, the Murph workout becomes a means of giving back to the community and making a positive impact beyond the confines of the gym.

8. Tradition and Legacy

The Murph workout has become a tradition in many gyms and fitness communities, including those in Chanhassen. As participants challenge themselves year after year, the Murph workout builds a legacy of resilience, honor, and camaraderie. Completing the Murph Challenge becomes a badge of honor and a symbol of dedication to fitness and community, carrying forward the legacy of Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy and all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

In conclusion, the Murph workout holds a special significance for many in Chanhassen, serving as a powerful symbol of tribute, mental toughness, community, goal setting, full-body fitness, personal growth, philanthropy, and tradition. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner in fitness, the Murph Challenge offers an opportunity to push your limits, forge connections, and make a positive impact, both personally and communally. So, are you ready to take on the Murph Challenge and experience the transformative journey that awaits?

Join us for the CrossFit Open!

Repeat after me, “I’m in for the Open!”  Then write your name on the whiteboard in the CrossFit gym and get ready to have some FUN!!!!

The CrossFit Open is a three-week international competition where ANYONE — regardless of fitness level or ability — can compete in the biggest fitness competition in history.  This includes each and every one of YOU!!!
The 2024 Open will take place from Feb. 29-March 18.  You do NOT have to have a CrossFit membership.  You CAN participate with a group fitness membership.  Kids are welcome to participate with you, too!
“Independent of fitness level, the Open brings us together to pursue something that would not hold the same meaning or possibilities if we were just working out on our own.” ~ CrossFit
The Open consists of a series of three workouts spaced across three weeks. These Friday Night Lights allow our CFC community to unite, work out, connect, compete, cheer, socialize, and celebrate.

Open 2024 Theme at CFC Athletics = “What is fitness and Who is fit?”
Each week, Coach Josh will cover a topic:
Theme 1 = General physical skills
Theme 2 = ability to perform in all major metabolic pathways.  (Sprint, endurance, and everything in between)
Theme 3 = health and wellness.  The most important theme.  Weight, body fat, cholesterol, blood sugar, inflammation, etc.

Friday Night Lights
Friday, March 1st
Friday, March 8th
Friday, March 15th
Doors will open at 4:30 pm.
The briefing will be promptly at 5:00 pm, followed by heats of the workout.  Heats will be first served sign-up at 4:30 pm.

This year, CFC is upping the FUN FACTOR!!!
⭐  Intramural Teams:  There will be two teams to compete for the best score…where points are awarded to teams based on spirit, not performance.  Coaches Josh and Drew are the two team Captains.  Random number generation will be used to create the teams.  Get your name on the whiteboard ASAP so we can create the teams and get the camaraderie started!
⭐  Themes:
Week 1:  80’s / Neon
Week 2:  Team Theme
Week 3:  St. Patty’s Day
How do the two teams compete?
Points accrued each week by:
👉  1 point – Participate at Friday Night Lights
👉  1 point – Wear theme clothing
👉  3 points – Bring family or friends to cheer
👉  5 points to the team – Spirit of the Open – the team with the most spirit will earn 5 extra points!
Random prizes are given away each week.

For those who will be formally participating in the CrossFit Open Games, register at games.crossfit.com and choose CrossFit Chanhassen as your affiliate.

The workouts will be Rx’d, Age Groups, Scaled, and Foundations (are you a group fitness member, just started CrossFit, or maybe this is your first Open? The foundation’s workouts are a great place to start.)
SIGN UP on the whiteboard in the CrossFit gym.  Get your name up there and get your friends to join you!

If you cannot attend Friday Night Lights, you can do the assigned workout at the following Monday classes, which will have it as the WOD.  You can also arrange a time with a coach to judge you on Friday or during the weekend.  If you are out of town and need to be scored, you can do a drop-in at another CrossFit gym.

If you are not participating in the workouts, come and cheer for all your gym friends!  It’s going to be FUN!!!!

What is the CrossFit Open, and why should I sign up?

If you have any questions, ask any of your coaches or email us at info@cfcathletics.com


Fuel up with Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

Here’s a flavorful twist on buffalo chicken: Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Spaghetti Squash! The recipe, featured on The Real Food Dietitians, seamlessly combines the bold taste of buffalo chicken with the wholesome goodness of spaghetti squash.

Designed for those seeking a balanced and nourishing diet, this meal offers a healthier alternative to traditional pasta dishes. Packed with protein and essential nutrients, it supports muscle recovery and overall well-being, making it a great addition to your weekly menu.

The Real Food Dietitians provide easy-to-follow instructions, making the preparation of Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Spaghetti Squash accessible to everyone, even those with busy schedules. With lean chicken, spices, and the unique texture of spaghetti squash, this recipe is satisfying and guilt-free.

Try this recipe to elevate your taste buds while staying committed to your health and fitness goals. Visit The Real Food Dietitians for the full details and take a step towards a more vibrant and energized lifestyle.

5 Quick and Tasty Foods to Fuel Your Workout


Here are 5 different options for pre-workout fuel/snacks:

  1. Banana with almond butter: Bananas are rich in carbohydrates and potassium, which provide energy and help maintain muscle function during exercise. Almond butter contains healthy fats and protein, which helps slow down the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream for a sustained energy boost.
  2. Greek yogurt with berries: Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in sugar, which helps maintain muscle mass and stabilize blood sugar levels. Berries are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which provide sustained energy and improve digestion.
  3. Trail mix with nuts and dried fruit: Trail mix is a great option for pre-workout fuel as it provides a mix of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein. Nuts are a great source of healthy fats and protein, while dried fruit provides natural sugars and carbohydrates.
  4. Rice cake with hummus and vegetables: Rice cakes are a low-calorie option that provides carbohydrates for energy. Hummus is a good source of protein and healthy fats, while vegetables provide important nutrients and fiber.
  5. Smoothie with protein powder, fruit, and spinach: Smoothies are a great way to get a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Adding protein powder to the smoothie helps provide sustained energy during exercise, while fruit provides natural sugars and carbohydrates. Adding spinach provides important nutrients and fiber.


Healthy on the Go: A Guide to Smart Eating While Traveling

Summer is the perfect time to embark on exciting adventures, explore new destinations, and make lasting memories with loved ones. However, it’s also a time when maintaining a healthy diet can become challenging, especially during travel. The good news is that with a little planning and some conscious choices, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals while on the move. Here are some tips for healthy eating during your summer vacation:

  1. Opt for Smart Fast Food: When stopping at fast-food restaurants, choose wisely. Look for options with grilled or baked protein like chicken or fish, whole-grain buns or wraps, and plenty of veggies. Skip sugary drinks and opt for water, unsweetened iced tea, or low-fat milk.
  2. Embrace Cooking at Your Vacation Rental: If you’re staying in a vacation rental, take advantage of the kitchen facilities. Prepare simple yet wholesome meals using fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains. This way, you can control the ingredients and portions while enjoying a home-cooked meal.
  3. Hydrating Foods are Key: Beat the summer heat with hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, and leafy greens. They’ll keep you refreshed and help maintain your body’s fluid balance.
  4. Convenience without Compromise: Stock up on healthy snacks for your journey, such as nuts, seeds, whole-grain crackers, and dried fruits. These portable options can satisfy your cravings while providing essential nutrients.
  5. Salads on the Go: Seek out salad bars or restaurants that offer a wide range of fresh vegetables and lean protein options. Opt for vinaigrette dressings instead of creamy ones to cut down on unnecessary calories.
  6. Balance Indulgences: Treat yourself occasionally, but aim for moderation. Savor local delicacies, but try to balance them with lighter options in your other meals.
  7. Stay Hydrated: Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially in hot weather. Carry a refillable water bottle and fill it up whenever you can.
  8. Plan Ahead: Do some research on restaurants and eateries at your travel destination that offers healthier menu choices. This will save you time and make it easier to stick to your nutritional goals.
  9. Be Mindful of Alcohol Intake: Alcoholic beverages can be calorie-dense and dehydrating. Consume them in moderation and alternate with water or other non-alcoholic beverages.
  10. Practice Portion Control: While trying new dishes, be mindful of portion sizes. Share larger meals with travel companions to avoid overeating.

By incorporating these tips into your summer travel routine, you can enjoy delicious meals, maintain your health, and make the most of your adventures. Remember, it’s all about balance and making informed choices to stay on track with your nutritional goals even while exploring new horizons. Happy and healthy travels!

Click HERE to book your next class when you are back in town!

Why you should love the Lunge


Lunges, split squats, and other unilateral leg movements are tremendous tools for building a strong, functional, and balanced body. Yet they tend to take a backseat to the more popular lower body exercises like squats and deadlifts. Let’s explore some of the benefits of lunges, common faults, and some popular variations so you never miss a lunge day again!

Lunges are a fundamental human movement pattern and take many different forms. The movement is generally defined as a split-legged stance with one foot planted in front of the body and the other extended behind the body. From this position, the athlete can raise or lower their body while stepping forward to the lead leg or returning to the rear leg. Lunges require leg strength, core strength, balance, and coordination. They can be performed as a bodyweight movement, under an external load, or explosively as a plyometric exercise. There are really an incredible number of ways to perform this exercise. Depending on your goals there are many ways that training lunges can be beneficial.

If you are looking to improve balance and coordination you could train lunges with a loading pattern that increased the demand for midline stability. Lunges performed with a barbell overhead or a single dumbbell or kettlebell loading one side of the body will achieve this. Due to the stabilization and core strength required to complete a lunge variation of this sort, there is a huge transfer and application to sports and life. Ensure that the load demands don’t force you into a compromised position and that you have the necessary mobility to handle the movement pattern (AKA ask the coach if you’re not sure)!

To develop greater strength and enhance muscle growth select lunge variations that allow for greater external loading. A reverse lunge is a popular option for this as it allows the weight to remain in the lead leg ensuring proper form and engagement of the posterior chain. Reverse lunges can be performed with dumbbells held at waist level or a barbell in the back rack position to go hard and heavy. A good rule of thumb is to keep the majority of the load in the front leg as you perform the movement. Select a load that allows for a controlled descent to the floor allowing the knee to kiss, not crash into, the ground.

To prevent injuries, increase range of motion, and correct imbalances the Bulgarian split squat or Bulgarian lunge is an excellent choice. This exercise is performed by working one lead leg at a time with the rear foot elevated on a platform 4-6 inches higher than the lead working leg. This movement optimizes the hinge position of the hips and is greater for activating the gluteus muscles. A popular loading pattern for this lunge is with dumbbells held in suitcase fashion. Make sure to select the appropriate box height to elevate the rear leg to prevent the spine from hyperextending at the end range of motion. Take care to stabilize the lead leg and focus on balance to reap the benefits of this killer lunge variation.

If you want to learn more about the best training movements be sure to discuss your goals with one of our coaches!

5 Reasons to get STRONG

Fitness trends come and go and most fall to the wayside for good reason.

Most programs fail to produce consistent results. It’s a wonder why so many folks stray away from what is tried and true when it comes to exercise programs?

“The rule is: the basics are the basic, and you can’t beat the basics.” -Charles Poliquin

Despite what your goals may be, every individual can benefit from physical resistance training. Not only that, but the health benefits extend far beyond your short term fitness goals. Regardless of why you train, let’s take a look at some of the reasons you should incorporate strength training into your fitness regimen.

1. Training for strength produces results.

Whatever your goals, muscle will help you get there. Some companies in the fitness industry has made a fortune around buzzwords like “tone”, “lift”, and “sculpt.” The problem is there’s no way to measure those loose terms. If you want to change your body composition there is only the ability to gain or lose muscle while simultaneously gaining or losing fat. If you are looking for the most efficient way to do make a change then strength training is your best option.

Strength training, or physical resistance training, can be defined as a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles. When you gain muscle you increase your bodies basal metabolism (the amount of calories you burn each day before factoring in physical activity). It’s kind of like putting a bigger engine in a car. The car is capable of moving faster or pulling a heavier load (more muscle), but it also uses more fuel (fat) whether it’s cruising down the freeway or idling in the driveway. Strength training helps us “tone” through this muscle gain/fat loss trade.

2. “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” -Peter Drucker

Training for strength provides a clear path for success. You can set training goals that are specific, measurable, and produce desired outcomes. A good coach will help you design a plan towards these goals with checkpoints along the way. Your strength training program is a road map to success with clear directions. Sets, reps, and weights lifted safely through the full range of motion are the signals that you’re on track. Many people find that a more detailed plan helps them stay motivated as they experience progress.

3. Age gracefully with more muscle mass.

As we get older strength training is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Physical independence is a key factor in a great quality of life.

A comprehensive study of strength training has been proven to:

  • Improve motor function
  • Lower resting heart rate
  • Increase stamina
  • Prevent sarcopenia (age related muscle loss)
  • Improve bone mineral density
  • Prevent and help rehab injuries

Functional strength training will be an asset in daily life too. From picking up grandchildren or bags of groceries to climbing stairs with confidence.

4. You’ll experience epic brain gains.

Did you know that lifting weights can strengthen your brain just as much as it does your body?
Dr. Yorgi Mavros from the University of Sydney has found that high‐intensity physical resistance training (PRT) results in significant improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Adults who followed a resistance training routine in addition to cognitive training performed significantly better than control groups on a series of mental tests. A couple key factors to note:

The participants exercised 2x/ week working to at least 80% of their peak strength.
The benefits lasted one year after the exercise prescription had ended.

What does that mean? According to Yorgi, “The stronger people became, the greater the benefit for their brain.” Let that sink in for a minute. You actually grow your brain by training to become stronger! It makes me wonder if Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity in between heavy sets of back squats…

5. Strong moms have healthy babies.

During pregnancy, the question always arises of what does fitness look like for this stage of life? With so much on the line, it’s important to consult with a doctor before beginning any fitness routine. Luckily, there is a tremendous amount to be gained by incorporating a strength training routine under normal circumstances. Resistance training can help alleviate symptoms and improve health outcomes for the mother and child. According to the Mayo Clinic, women who follow a consistent strength training routine during pregnancy can experience:

  • Reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling
  • Boosted mood and energy levels
  • Better sleep
  • Prevent excess weight gain
  • Maintain levels of muscle strength and endurance
  • Reduced incidence of gestational diabetes

Not only that but women who train during pregnancy report enhanced body image and better psychological well-being!

We would love to help you live a healthy strong life. Schedule a Free Consult to learn more.